Minnesota Chapter Meeting (10am - 3pm CT) [In-Person]
Minnesota Chapter Meeting (10am - 3pm CT) [In-Person]
Thursday, March 13, 2025 (10:00 AM - 3:00 PM) (CDT)
In-person with lunch; speaker Mark Spencer:
"The Human Cost of a NetWire Compromise” and "Disk Images are Gamblers and Virtualization is Vegas"
Presenter name:
Mark Spencer
Presenter Bio:
Mark Spencer is President of Arsenal Consulting, where he leads engagements involving digital forensics for law firms, corporations, and government agencies. Mark is also President of Arsenal Recon, where he guides development of digital forensics tools. He has more than 20 years of law-enforcement and private-sector digital forensics experience. He has led the Arsenal team on many high-profile and high-stakes cases, from allegations of intellectual-property theft and evidence spoliation to support of terrorist organizations and military coup plotting. Mark has testified in cases which include United States v. Mehanna and United States v. Tsarnaev.
Presentation Description:
While there are many obvious benefits to interacting with disk images running in virtual machines, there are less obvious (but no less important) benefits if you truly appreciate the incredible control you have over a disk image running in a virtual machine. Attendees of this presentation will be exposed to these less obvious benefits via a combination of lecture and demonstrations. While Arsenal Image Mounter will be used to demonstrate launching Windows domain controllers and workstations into virtual machines to unlock secrets on workstations without any credentials, bypassing the Windows Data Protection API, and more, some of the concepts discussed during this presentation will apply regardless of the particular tools being used.
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60 Empire Dr
Saint Paul, MN United States
Rm 106
10am - 3pm Central *In-Person event*