HTCIA New England Chapter Meeting
(All Members & Guests Welcome)
Presenter names:
David Cowen, Vice President, Charles River Associates
Adam Hart, Principal, Charles River Associates
Kaya Overholtzer, Digital Forensic Associate, Charles River Associates
Presenter Bios:
David Cowen will present on “Who Is Behind the Keyboard, Windows Hello Forensics”
Adam Hart will present on “Ransomware Forensics and Ransomware Negotiations”
Kaya Overholtzer will present on “ATM Jackpotting”
Presentation Description:
Join the New England Chapter for its Spring seminar! We have a great line up of speakers from Charles River Associates: Adam Hart, Principal on "Ransomware Forensics and Negotiation", David Cowen, Vide President on "Who is behind the keyboard, Windows Hello Forensics", and Kaya Overholtzer, Digital Forensic Associate on "ATM Jackpotting".
Training Invite (All Members & Guests Welcome)